CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection

CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection

CIA MKULTRA/Mind Control Collection

01 November, 2018 / in Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Collection, Mind Control, The Fringe (The Black Vault)

Table of Contents

– What is MKULTRA?
– The Black Vault and the 2004 FOIA Document Release
– The Missing Pages
– MKULTRA Documents Released October 2018
– Additional Documents Declassified About MKULTRA

What is MKULTRA?

Wikipedia explains MKULTRA as the following:

Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs, alcohol, stick and poke tattoos, and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement. As the US Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was:

concerned with “the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.” The program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers participated. Because the Agency funded MKUltra indirectly, many of the participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency.

Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.

In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MKUltra, which led to Senate hearings later that same year. In July 2001, some surviving information regarding MKUltra was declassified. *

The Black Vault and the 2004 FOIA Document Release

The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for all documents pertaining to MKULTRA and related projects back in the late 1990s. Despite the reports that MKULTRA documents were destroyed in 1973, the CIA did locate some files and I was told that these documents were being reviewed.

For YEARS I waited, and was never contacted back by the CIA. In time, the CIA DID release the documents on four CD-ROMs. I received these documents back in 2004, and was one of the first (if not the first) to have uploaded the ENTIRE collection of MKULTRA records to the internet.

Below, you will find the links to the data on the CD-ROMS as originally received.

Originally, the CIA directories contained .tif images of the documents (not my favorite format) and two other files. The .txt file is a poor excuse for a OCR (optical character recognition) of the document, and a .dat file which contains a one line description, as found in the index below.

This has been an extremely popular dataset since I first added it, and in March of 2017 — expanded the original CIA release with a newer, updated, searchable PDF format consisting of their original .TIF file releases.

MKULTRA CIA Document Index [85 Pages, 6.2MB] – Start here! This will list documents archived on the CD-ROMs below. You can just start browsing the CD’s below by clicking on one and browsing around. I also included a .ZIP file of the CD-ROM as they were obtained from the CIA. In addition, I have created an archived of .PDF files, all searchable, which are now
Original CD-ROM Archive Datasets
Browse CD-ROMs:

CD-ROM #1 – ( .ZIP file ) 227 MB
CD-ROM #2 – ( .ZIP file ) 279 MB
CD-ROM #3 – ( .ZIP file ) 332 MB
CD-ROM #4 – ( .ZIP file ) 345 MB

Download Entire 1.1 Gigabyte Dataset

In March of 2017, The Black Vault converted the entire above collection into text-searchable .pdf files. I created a .ZIP file of the entire directory structure, and the .PDF files for download. Please note: The original .tif, .dat and .txt files were removed in this .zip since they are now unneeded. (Note: This does NOT include the new 2018 releases below.)
[ .zip (File Size: 1.1GB): MIRROR #1 (TBV) | MIRROR #2 (Internet Archive) ]
[ .torrent: MIRROR #1 (Internet Archive) ]

The Missing Pages

In March of 2016, Oscar Diggs, a visitor to The Black Vault, found the MKULTRA collection I put online. He then painstakingly reviewed the index of files, and the released records for comparison, to see if they matched. He compiled a list of all the missing documents, or portions thereof, and sent me the below index of all that he found that was missing.

Here was his list from the above index that were not put onto the original CD-ROMs:

21787, 21788, 21789, 21790, 21791, 21792, 21793, 21794, 21795, 21796, 21797, 21798, 21799, 21800, 21801, 21802, 21803, 21805, 21806, 21808, 21809, 21811, 21812, 21813, 21814, 21816, 21817, 21818, 21821, 21823, 21824, 21825, 21826, 21827, 21828, 21829, 21830, 21831, 21832, 21833, 21834, 21835, 21836, 21837, 21838, 21839, 21840, 21841, 21842, 21843, 21844, 21845, 21846, 21849, 21850, 21851, 21852, 21853, 21854, 21855, 21856, 21857, 21858, 21860, 21861, 21862, 21863, 21864, 21865, 21866, 21867, 21868, 21869, 21870, 21871, 21872, 21873, 21875, 21876, 21877, 21878, 21879, 21880, 21881, 21882, 21884, 21885, 21886, 21887, 21888, 21889, 21890, 21891, 21892, 21893, 21894, 21895, 21896, 21897, 21898, 21899, 21900, 21901, 21902, 21903, 21904, 21905, 21906, 21907, 21908, 21909, 21910, 21911, 21912, 21913, 21914, 21915, 21916, 21917, 21918, 21919, 21920, 21921, 21922, 21923, 21924, 21925, 21926, 21928, 21929, 21930, 21931, 21932, 21933, 21934, 21935, 21936, 21937, 21938, 21939, 21940, 21941, 21942, 21943, 21944, 21945, 21946, 21947, 21948, 21951, 21952, 21953, 21955, 21957, 21958, 21959, 21960, 21961, 21962, 21963, 21964, 21965, 21966, 21967, 21968, 21969, 21971, 21972, 21973, 21974, 21975, 21976, 21977, 21978, 21979, 21980, 21981, 21982, 21992, 21993, 21994, 21995, 21996, 21999, 22000, 22011, 22013, 22014, 22016, 22017, 22018, 22020, 22021, 22022, 22024, 22026, 22027, 22028, 22029, 22030, 22031, 22032, 22033, 22037, 22038, 22040, 22041, 22042, 22043, 22044, 22046, 22047, 22048, 22050, 22051, 22052, 22053, 22054, 22055, 22056, 22057, 22058, 22059, 22060, 22061, 22062, 22063, 22064, 22065, 22066, 22068, 140389, 140390, 140391, 140392, 140393, 140394, 140395, 140396, 140397, 140398, 140399, 140400, 140401, 140402, 140403, 140404, 146325, 146329, 149501, 149502, 149503, 149504, 149505, 149506, 149507, 149508, 149509, 149510, 149511, 149512, 149513, 149514, 149515, 149516, 149517, 149518, 149519, 149520, 149521, 149522, 149523, 149524, 149525, 149526, 149527, 149528, 149529, 149530, 149531, 149532, 149534, 149535, 149536, 149537, 149538, 149539, 149540, 149541, 149542, 149543, 149544, 149545, 149546, 149547, 149548, 149549, 149550, 149551, 149552, 149553, 151511, 151512, 151513, 151514, 179067, 184497, 263377, and maybe 179066.

308 (or 309) documents in all.

Documents that are missing pages:

17373, 17440, 17456, 17457, 17460, 17466, 17468, 17472, 17479, 27417, 40176, 149456

12 documents in all.

I filed a FOIA request to the CIA, for these specific records, since they did not include it in their initial release to me. Sadly, after a long wait, they informed me that there would be no way to find them, and only supplied me a “new copy” of their MKULTRA collection. I ran a scan to compare file to file, and it was exactly the same release that I originally received (which is available for download above).

I then began a “FOIA Battle” with the CIA about this entire issue. According to their own letter, they stated the index (again, available for download above) was supposed to ALL be on the CD-ROMs. Obviously, they were not, and I double and then later TRIPLE checked the work of Oscar Diggs to ensure accuracy. There was no error, and I stood by the documents were missing.

After sending a 97 page fax proving that the records were not on the original disks (which is what they required me to do) they changed their story once they realized I proved what I said. They then claimed they made a “mistake,” and they should have been better at clarifying, but the documents regarding “behavioral modification” were NOT supposed to be on the CD-ROMs, and I only paid for the “MKULTRA” material. After wasting hours upon hours of time stretching over months, I then officially requested a “fee waiver” to see if I could get the fees waived. I felt I put up a good argument for one, but I was ultimately denied.

So in August of 2018, I started a GOFUNDME campaign to help raise the $425.80 that the CIA required to release the 4,358 additional pages. Again, I was told I needed to pay for them, because they did not fit the scope of my original request in the late 1990s. After extensive media coverage about my “FOIA Battle” that was covered by Vice News / Motherboard, Newsweek and many other outlets, the funds were raised in a matter of days. I immediately wrote the check, and waited for my documents.

Fast forward to the end of October 2018. I received a box from the CIA that I knew, was what I had been waiting for. I opened the box, and on the top of the stack (keep in mind, about 2 1/2 months had passed since I sent payment) was my original/uncashed check, made payable to the United States Treasury Department. I knew instantly, there was an issue.

I read their letter (available below). In short, the CIA changed their story yet again. First, even though they said I already got 100% of the MKULTRA material, it was now proven untrue. I now had a stack of pages that they finally agreed, SHOULD HAVE been on the CD-ROMs, and therefore, they sent them for free (remember that fee waiver denial? Someone should have caught the fact I was right about asking for the records.) According to their letter, the contents of the box they sent me totaled 791 pages (which actual totaled 800 exactly, but close enough). Now the question was, if the 791 (actual: 797) pages were part of the 4,358 I paid for, then what about the remaining 3,567 (actual: 3,555) pages? Well, that got even more bizarre. Now the number of remaining pages was only 2,316 pages. That means at least 1,245 pages of MKULTRA / Mind Control / Behavioral Modification documents just vanished from their original quote to me. What I can’t deduce from the CIA’s letter (available below) is if these 797 pages released were a part of that original quote, so the number of missing pages could be closer to 2,000!

That said, the more frustrating thing, is that I have to “start over.” It took 2 1/2 months for the CIA to not cash my check, and then send me a letter stating that what I had already paid for months prior, would need to be purchased again, and therefore, I needed to start over by writing a new check, sending it via postal mail, and just wait… again.

This fight has gone on now nearly THREE years, and may even pass the three year mark by the time I get these documents… IF I get them.

Mistakes happen, but they had an exact page count in their original demand for payment. They were adamant about having to pay for 100% of the responsive pages, and that I was not to get ANY for free. They even processed my fee waiver, and denied it outright after “considering it.” Why wasn’t any of this found during the process of that fee waiver request? After all of that work, all of that time wasted,in the end, I still did not get all of the documents, and the CIA changed their story, yet again.

I will let you all decide what that all means, but for now, I have scanned in the 797 pages of material, and they are all available below, which I have indexed and organized by the order they were received.

MKULTRA Documents Released October 2018

Below you will find the 800 pages released to me, that were NOT included in the original MKULTRA document releases above.
[ .zip (File Size: 180MB): MIRROR #1 (TBV) ]

1 – FOIA Response Letter dated 24 October 2018 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]
2 – Attachment A – Not Identified on the MKULTRA Master Report [4 Pages, 0.9MB]
3 – Attachment B – Identified on the MKULTRA Master Report [2 Pages, 0.6MB]
4 – Project MKULTRA, Subproject 116, 15 June 1960 [1 Pages, 0.6MB]
5 – Various Memorandums and Check Disbursements [170 Pages, 24.6MB]
6 – MKULTRA Subproject 58, Invoice #1 Allotment, 28 March 1956 [5 Pages, 1.1MB]
7 – Various Funds and Financial Records, MKULTRA Subproject 58, Invoice #1 Allotment, 28 March 1956 [185 Pages, 1.1MB]
8 – MKULTRA, Subproject 66, Invoice #6, 17 August 1960 [6 Pages, 1.3MB]
9 – Complete Accounting, April 1, 1957 – June 30, 1960 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
10 – Various Financials and Check Disbursements [142 Pages, 25.7MB]
11 – Various Financials and Record Keeping [61 Pages, 15.6MB]
12 – Representative Leo J. Ryan Biographical Information [1 Page, 0.5MB]
13 – FOIA and Responsive Documents, Dr. Sharon F. Kleefield, Harvard University (Re: Orlikow v United States, Civil Action No. 80-3163) [8 Pages, 1.5MB]
14 – Project ARTICHOKE, October 29, 1952 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
15 – Memorandum Regarding Hypnosis, January 29, 1954 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]
16 – Memorandum Regarding Hypnosis, July 15, 1954 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]
17 – Letter Regarding Hypnosis, February 6, 1957 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
18 – Letter Regarding Hypnosis, July 9, 1951 [2 Pages, 0.7MB]
19 – Interview Synopsis Regarding Hypnosis, February 25, 1952 [8 Pages, 0.7MB]
20 – Memorandum, Research Projects, Project Artichoke, February 15, 1952 [2 Pages, 0.7MB]
21 – Special Training, Memorandum, December 14, 1950 [1 Page, 0.7MB]
22 – Memorandum Regarding Interview on Project Artichoke, March 11, 1952 [2 Pages, 0.7MB]
23 – Letter Regarding Book on Hypnotism, March 4, 1952 [2 Pages, 0.8MB]
24 – Artichoke Report, January 22, 1954 [4 Pages, 1.2MB]
25 – Possible Fallibility of Polygraph Testing of Subjects in Posthypnotic States, Date Unknown [3 Pages, 1.2MB]
26 – Special Research, Bluebird, Date Unknown [8 Pages, 1.6MB]
27 – The Military Application of Hypntism (sic), June 22, 1954 [3 Pages, 0.8MB]
28 – Memorandum Regarding I & I. Hypnotism, March 25, 1952 [3 Pages, 0.6MB]
29 – Hypnotism and Covert Operations, May 5, 1955 [6 Pages, 1.3MB]
30 – Memorandum Regarding Consultants, April 2, 1953 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
31 – Memorandum Regarding Renewal of Contract, April 16, 1954 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
32 – Undated Handwritten Notes [2 Pages, 1.9MB]
33 – Project Artichoke Letter, June (?) 11, 1952 [2 Pages, 1.9MB]
34 – Memorandum Regarding Project Artichoke and Chemical Agents Used, February 27, 1952 [22 Pages, 7.3MB]
35 – Memorandum Regarding Alcohol Antagonists [5 Pages, 0.9MB]
36 – Memorandums Regarding 1955 Meetings, Redacted Project Name [6 Pages, 2.9MB]
37 – Progress Report (Redacted) 7/1/54 – 8/15/55 [2 Pages, 2.9MB]
38 – Narrative Description of the Overt and Covert Activities of (Redacted), Date Unknown [5 Pages, 0.9MB]
39 – Project Artichoke Memorandums, July and November 1953 [2 Pages, 0.8MB]
40 – Memorandum Regarding Use of Drugs for Interrogation, February 9, 1953 [1 Page, 0.8MB]
41 – Memorandum Regarding Medical Requests, November 15, 1952 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
42 – Memorandum Regarding Project Artichoke, November 10 (?), 1952 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
43 – Memorandum Regarding Dispatch No. (Redacted), November 18, 1953 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
44 – Memorandum Regarding Project Artichoke, May 5, 1953 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]
45 – Project Artichoke Consultant Documents, 1951-1953 [6 Pages, 1.7MB]
46 – Incomplete (?) Document, Date Unknown, Regarding Chemical Agents [3 Pages, 0.9MB]
47 – Check Disbursement Letters, 1951 [5 Pages, 2.5MB]
48 – Memorandum Regarding Conversation Between (Redacted) and (Redacted) on 7 September 1951 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
49 – Memorandum Regarding Conversations with (Redacted) in Washington – 12 September 1951 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
50 – Memorandum Regarding Interrogation Study, September 27, 1951 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
51 – Memorandum Regarding (Redacted) Trip to (Redacted) 19-20 October 1951 (Conversations with [Redacted]) [1 Page, 0.5MB]
52 – Memorandum Regarding Report by (Redacted), November 2, 1951 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
53 – Memorandum Regarding Conversations with (Redacted), 9 November 1951 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
54 – Memorandum, August 4, 1951 [1 Page, 1.1MB]
55 – Minutes of Meeting, June 11, 1951 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]
56 – Meeting on Project BLUEBIRD held 9 May 1951 at 1600 Hours [1 Page, 1.0MB]
57 – Meeting Minutes, May 4, 1951 [3 Pages, 2.7MB]
58 – Memorandum Regarding Miscellaneous Items, May 1, 1951 [1 Page, 0.7MB]
59 – Memorandum, May 2, 1951 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
60 – Memorandum for “BLUEBIRD” File, April 18, 1951 [1 Page, 0.8MB]
61 – Letter Regarding Subjects for a Psychogalvanic Machine, April 9, 1952 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
62 – Memorandum Regarding ARTICHOKE, August 31, 1951 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
63 – Memorandum Regarding (Redacted) Case, January 25, 1952 [3 Pages, 0.9MB]
64 – Conversations with (Redacted), April 25, 1951 [1 Page, 0.9MB]
65 – Memorandum Regarding Testing of Bulbocapnine, May 20, 1954 [2 Pages, 0.8MB]
66 – Memorandum Regarding Project Artichoke Drug Reviews, December 6, 1951 [2 Pages, 0.8MB]
67 – Check Disbursement, January 31, 1955 [1 Page, 0.7MB]
68 – Report on Special Trip Authorized by (Unreadable) of 13 October 1954 [18 Pages, 6.7MB]
69 – Memorandum Regarding Travel Approval for (Redacted), August 11, 1953 [1 Page, 0.8MB]
70 – Memorandum Regarding Proposed Trip, May 22, 1953 [2 Pages, 0.8MB]
71 – Memorandum Regarding Artichoke Conference, 20 March 1953 [1 Page, 0.8MB]
72 – Handwritten Document, Hard to Read, 1953 [1 Page, 1.2MB]
73 – Letter Regarding Import Permit, February 10, 1953 [1 Page, 0.8MB]
74 – Letter Regarding Project ARTICHOKE, October 13, 1953 [2 Pages, 0.7MB]
75 – Memorandum Regarding Proposed Research Project ARTICHOKE, November 25, 1952 [6 Pages, 1.3MB]
76 – Memorandum Regarding Drug Use Testing, January 27, 1961 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]
77 – Letter Regarding Drug Use, Amnesia and Secret Induction of Foreign Substances, December 6, 1956 [2 Pages, 0.9MB]
78 – Letter Regarding Use of Hypnosis, February 8, 1957 [2 Pages, 0.7MB]
79 – Memorandum Regarding Various Drugs, March 3, 1953 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
80 – Memorandum Regarding Proposal for Research on Methods of Eliciting Information (redacted), May 29, 1952 [1 Page, 0.8MB]
81 – Letter Regarding Request to Forward Medicines, Drugs, Onstensible Toilet Articles, etc. Secured from Captured Hostile Agents, Operatives or Defectors [1 Page, 0.5MB]
82 – Memorandum Regarding Interrogation Techniques, May 8, 1950 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
83 – Letter Regarding Use of Artichoke Techniques, April 29, 1953 [6 Pages, 1.4MB]
84 – Memorandum Regarding ARTICHOKE, Evaluation of Hypospray [2 Pages, 0.8MB]
85 – Federal Security Agency, Public Health Service, Letter dated October 26, 1953 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
86 – Federal Security Agency, Public Health Service, Attached Report to Above Letter [10 Pages, 1.8MB]
87 – Report by Harris Isbell, M.D., Addition Liabilities of Synthetic Substitutes for Codeine, January 1, 1954 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
88 – Letter Regarding Federal Security Agency, Public Health Service, Annual Progress Report [1 Page, 0.5MB]
89 – MKULTRA (Subproject 78) Cover Sheet Part 2 of 3 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
90 – MKULTRA (Subproject 78) Cover Sheet Part 3 of 3 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
91 – Memorandum Regarding Use of Drugs During Intelligence Gathering, January 2, 1954 [3 Pages, 1.1MB]

The check for the rest of the pages was (re)sent on November 1, 2018. At this point, it is a waiting game, and this page will be updated when the additional documents are released.

Additional Documents Declassified About MKULTRA

Studies in Intelligence, March 2010 [76 Pages, 3.28MB] – The Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) was founded in 1974 in response to Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger’s desire to create within CIA an organization that could “think through the functions of intelligence and bring the best intellects available to bear on intelligence problems.” The center, comprising professional historians and experienced practitioners, attempts to document lessons learned from past activities, to explore the needs and expectations of intelligence consumers, and to stimulate serious debate about current and future intelligence challenges. To carry out this mission, CSI publishes Studies in Intelligence, as well as numerous books and monographs addressing historical, operational, doctrinal and theoretical aspects of the intelligence profession. It also administers the CIA Museum and maintains the Agency’s Historical Intelligence Collection of published literature on intelligence.

Studies in Intelligence, December 2009 [97 Pages, 1.65MB] – Contents of this volume include the following topics, articles, comments and reviews: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES: Operation INFEKTION Soviet Bloc Intelligence and Its AIDS Disinformation Campaign; The Origins of Modern Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance – Military Intelligence at the Front, 1914-18 25; INTELLIGENCE TODAY AND TOMORROW: An Experiment in Collaboration on an Intelligence Problem – Developing STORM, a Methodology for Evaluating Transit Routes of Transnational Terrorists and Criminals; INTELLIGENCE IN PUBLIC MEDIA: The James Angleton Phenomenon – Cunning Passages, Contrived Corridors”: Wandering in the Angletonian Wilderness; On the Web: Moles, Defectors, and Deceptions: James Angleton and CIA Counterintelligence; The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One; Vietnam Declassified: CIA and Counterinsurgency in Vietnam; OSS Training in the National Parks and Service Abroad in World War II; The Secret War in El Paso: Mexico Revolutionary Intrigue, 1906-1920; The Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf; Comment – In Defense of John Honeyman (and George Washington); Books, Film, and Television Reviewed in Studies in Intelligence, 2009.

Human Experimentation – An Overview of Cold War Era Programs, GAO Report, September 28, 1994 [16 Pages, 1.11MB]

Spring 1986: 9-109-1: The Future of Intelligence, by Walter Laqueur [13 Pages, 6.8MB] – Series: Articles from “Studies in Intelligence”, 1955 – 1992 Record Group 263: Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1894 – 2002.

Winter 1986: 10-112-1: The Supreme Court and the Intelligence Source, by Louis J. Dube and Launie M. Ziebell [18 Pages, 7.7MB] – From: Series: Articles from “Studies in Intelligence”, 1955 – 1992 Record Group 263: Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1894 – 2002.

Project MKUltra, The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modificatio, 3 August 1977 [172 Pages, 8.87MB]

The Role of Instititional Review Boards in Aviation Research: It’s the Law and it Makes Sense, Date Unknown [6 Pages, 178kb] – By Dr. Earl S. Stein, FAA, William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey. Unknown Date. References MKUltra.

mind control, MKULTRA

Sort by Oldest
Ally Kristine
this may be old..but i always knew this was real. a lot of people look at me crazy for this but i just knew this wasnt just in my mind
Like · Reply · 43 · 3y
Madison Copas
Me too, I’ve been warning people for too long. Crazier thing is the continuation Monarch Mind Control is named after my initials and is suspected to be created the year I was born .
Like · Reply · 7 · 2y
Miguel M Correa
Madison Michele, don’t kid yourself.
Like · Reply · 10 · 1y
Andrew Pernsteiner
Wait Miguel M Correa MMC what year were you born? Lol
Like · Reply · 6 · 1y
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Gil Carlson
Blue Planet Project is allegedly the notebook of a scientist who worked on a top secret United States government program involving alien research. This scientist visited various UFO crash sites, Blue Planet Project Book Contains these notes and drawings of aliens and UFOs at crash sites released before he disappeared.
Like · Reply · 3 · 3y
Clifford Stone
John,It may mean nothing to you but for what it is worth, I am truly very proud of you and that which you do. When I went out on a mission, I always knew that I could be killed and never be able to tell the world what I knew but with the knowledge that you were doing this made it easier on me as I knew someone was trying to get the documentation out. This old soldier is truly grateful for you efforts. God Bless, Cliff
Like · Reply · 26 · 3y
John Greenewald
Hello Clifford! Well let me tell you, to me, that’s worth a lot! Thank you for your very kind words! It means more to me than I could tell you here on a Facebook comment! 🙂
Like · Reply · 12 · 3y
Anthony Dominici
there still doin this shit…
Like · Reply · 7 · 3y
Rob Went
Shh…. it’s under a new name to keep it top secret
Like · Reply · 4 · 1y
Matthew Arena
Rob Went whats the new name
Like · Reply · 1y
Penny Shepard
Matthew Arena The new name is just the old name renamed. Seriously nothing new here.
Like · Reply · 1y
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Christine Sanborn
My girlfriend was a test subject for MKUltra
Like · Reply · 3y
Mary Jane Perez Cornielle
Knowingly of unknowingly?
Like · Reply · 1 · 1y
Penny Shepard
Mary Jane Perez Cornielle Really? Hello, does the word covert mean nothing to you?
Like · Reply · 1y
Roger Blankenship
i am seeking federal benifits relating to previously uniformed psychoactive chemical testing in 2010. I have a new psychic ability that seems to be untreatable (other than acute therapy) and is bothersome to myself and others around me. If you have any infromation for me email me at
Like · Reply · 2 · 2y
Jake Anderson
Would you be interested in writing about this psychic ability for
Like · Reply · 1 · 2y
Raldomiro Cleitasso
Yes tell everyone
Like · Reply · 1 · 2y
Brian Clark
Psychic abilities are not real lol

You aren’t going to get federal benefits for something that doesn’t exist, maybe some other insanity disprder, but not what you claim lmao
Like · Reply · 2 · 1y
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Roger Blankenship
My name is not Roger Blankenship. Please do no try to contact Roger on Facbook. I am using a friend’s computer and i did not know these comments were going to be linked to his Facebook acount. If you wish to know my name refer to the email previously noted.
Like · Reply · 2y
Terry Odom
We were told that my sister who was attending Vanderbilt university in 1972 on an academic scholarship (4.0 GPA) “went crazy” overnight after going out to dinner with a young man named “David” who subsequently disappeared … was “slipped” some kind of mind altering drug from which she never recovered. It ruined her life and our family’s life. My parents’s inquiry into the government’s known program was received with a “brick wall” response. This is the first I have heard of any surviving records of this unbelievable clandestine, cruel operation.
Like · Reply · 12 · 2y
Bo Johnson
that’s crazy, scary yet our reality.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2y
Tracey Hunter
Tim Vawter Yes they brought over nazi scientists (operation paperclip) THEY brought the nazi’s. The nazi’s worked ‘FOR’ Uncle Sam, followed uncles orders. It was the US government’s projects . Nowadays I don’t think the term ‘ nazi’ only applies to Germans. Because my government and the USA and no doubt many more countries are ful of nazi’s stomping all over us all,treating u as commodities. I think in life are all either 2 things- good or evil, and while the ‘evil’ are very very evil, there just isn’t enough of us that are ‘very very good’!
Like · Reply · 4 · 2y
Gregory Gonzales
Tim, there are psychiatric diagnoses that can be used already. There is Other Hallicinogen Intoxication, Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder, Phencyclidine Intoxication, and Phencyclidine Use Disorder. There is also Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, for people not using or under the influence, who have residual effects, permanent side effects of the drug. Perhaps the ACLU could help you in your legal efforts.
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